Einige Links, die dabei helfen, Dokumente zugänglich zu machen.
Barrierefreie Dokumente erstellen
Kurs-Zusammenfassung „Barrierefreie Dokumente“ bei WebAim: Erstellen von barrierefreien Word-, PowerPoint und PDF-Dateien.
(Passwort bei Kerstin anfordern)
Prüfung von Word und PowerPoint Dokumenten
Word and PowerPoint Accessibility Evaluation Guide (WebAim, english)
- Creating Accessible Documents: Word
Aktualisiert für Office365 (Februar 2021)
- Accessibility Checker von Adobe (integriert in Acrobat Pro):
- Anleitung zur Vorgehensweise von Adobe:
- Linkedin Training Course (kostenpflichtig)
- PDF A11y
- In 4 Schritten zum barrierefreien PDF (Pave)
- Checker (Windows)
Adobe Indesign
The links below cover how to address accessibility within InDesign documents, rather than having to make major changes in Adobe Acrobat DC after exporting to PDF. With InDesign, designers have the capability to add PDF tags, alt tags, and specify content order in files which stay with the document as you revise it. Used in combination with Adobe Acrobat DC for touch-up of exported PDF files, designers can achieve maximum accessibility for exported content.
It is highly recommended that you also familiarize yourself with PDF accessibility and complete the Adobe Acrobat DC training linked above that covers the Adobe Acrobat DC accessibility checker, accessibility reporting tools, accessibility workflow and the LinkedIn Learning accessible PDFs training.